International cooperation

International cooperation

At European School Copenhagen, we offer a unique international learning environment. Your day-to-day school life will be characterised by interactions in multiple languages, and students and teachers from all over the world – therefore, globalisation is not just a subject you are taught, but a part of life at the school.

In S5, you will go on a study trip to Berlin and in S6, you will get to visit another European country with your class. Every year, our students organise International Evening to celebrate cultural diversity. The students wear traditional costumes and cook food from their countries, and teachers and parents can visit.

Every year, we celebrate Europe Day on 9th of May. Europe Day celebrates peace and unity in Europe, and marks the anniversary of the Schuman declaration that proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community in 1950 – the first step towards what is now the European Union. We also celebrate the European Day of Languages every year on 26th of September to promote linguistic richness and diversity.

We wish to give our students the best possible platform of possibilities for growing and learning by experiencing the world around them. Read more here about the international opportunities you have as a student at European School Copenhagen – for example, internships in the European Parliament, participation in MUN, the European Schools’ student council with all the other European Schools, and much more.

Internship in Bruxelles: A week in the European Parliament

Alisha and Sofie from S7 did an exciting internship with Kira Peter-Hansen (MEP for SF) in the European Parliament. They wrote a bit about their trip below.

For four days we followed Kira, who we got to know when she visited the school to do a presentation. It has been fun, educational, and incredibly exciting to gain an insight into her political work here in Bruxelles.

When we met at the European Parliament on Monday morning, we were somewhat nervous. Seen through our eyes, it is a pretty extraordinary place. It has been surreal to get to experience what goes on behind the façade, and witness everything happen first hand.

At the same time, it has been surprising how relaxed people seem, and everyone just wears normal clothes. Even most of the MEP’s just wear everyday clothes and are very down to earth. Everyone has been good at welcoming us. It has been such a pleasant experience being part of Kira’s team, as they are all incredibly kind.

Furthermore, we got to be present during a voting session. It was so fun to witness in real life and not through a screen. Our internship has by all means lived up to our expectations and we look forward to telling all our friends and family about our experiences in Bruxelles and the European Parliament.

Model United Nations (MUN)

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation and academic activity that provides students with an opportunity to learn about international relations, diplomacy, and the functioning of the United Nations. In MUN conferences, participants, often students, take on the roles of delegates representing different countries and engage in debates and discussions on various global issues.

The primary goal of MUN is to enhance participants’ understanding of international affairs, improve their public speaking and negotiation skills, and foster critical thinking and teamwork. Participants research and prepare for the conference by studying their assigned country’s position on specific topics, and during the event, they collaborate with delegates from other nations to address complex global challenges.

MUN simulations typically follow the formal procedures of the United Nations, with committees, resolutions, and diplomatic protocols. Participants work to find solutions to problems, negotiate agreements, and draft resolutions that reflect the diverse perspectives of the international community.

The experience gained through participating in MUN not only deepens knowledge about global issues but also cultivates valuable life skills such as diplomacy, negotiation, research, and public speaking. MUN conferences are held worldwide, involving students from various cultural backgrounds, making it a unique platform for cross-cultural exchange and understanding.

“Personally, I can recommend MUN to everybody that is interested in politics and debating, as it is a great way to get better at debating and learning how organizations like the UN work”

Jakob from S6DAA

CoSEEA Student Council

CoSEEA is the Student Council of Accredited European Schools (Conseil Supérieur des Élèves des Écoles Accréditées) where student representatives from the participating accredited schools come together and express the opinions, needs, and issues of their students.

CoSEEA is formally invited to the JTC (Joint Teaching Committee) where the president or vice president can address issues on behalf of students of accredited European Schools.

Last updated June 13, 2024