Student Life

Student Life

In the Upper Secondary, you will have plenty of opportunities to mix and integrate across the classes and shape the environment in the school. You can run for the Student Council, create a committee on a topic you care about or you can join one of the many committees and activities already organised by the students. We have also planned an exciting introduction programme for you in S5 and you will be able to go abroad on a study trip in S6.

See some of the many activities that contribute to a fun and exciting learning and student environment in the European School on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

European Education

At European School Copenhagen, we strive to give our students more than academia. Every year, we have planned events and social activities that make sure that all students meet with external presenters, have theme days and interact with your peers across classes and year levels – to ensure that everybody gets a broad European Education.

Last updated October 13, 2022