COVID-19: New rules regarding face masks and visors

COVID-19: New rules regarding face masks and visors

Last Friday, the Government announced further measures to prevent Covid-19, and a few of these affect our students and teachers in Secondary.

According to the new guidelines, all Upper Secondary Students must wear face masks when they move around the school, but not when they are in class or when they are sitting down to eat.

Upper Secondary teachers, who teach more than two classes/teams a day, must also wear masks or visors.

As our Lower and Upper Secondary students share the same building, we also encourage teachers and students in Lower Secondary to wear a mask when they are moving around in the common areas of the school.

The City of Copenhagen also strongly encourages that parents use a
face mask or visor inside the school (except during a meeting).

All teachers and pedagogues are welcome to use visors/masks if they wish.

Please click here for more information about the new and existing Coronavirus guidelines at the school.


Photo: Colourbox