Mobility Programme

Mobility Programme

Being an exchange students at another schools in a different country gives each student the chance to develop in many aspects, for example improving their language skills and maturing through experiencing a different educational and cultural environment.

At European School Copenhagen, we have two programmes for students who want to go study abroad in S5 (1.g). If you are a new student in S5 (1.g), you should apply at the same time as applying to the school.

The exchange programme between European Schools

In our school, these programmes give students who are currently in year 4 the possibility to spend the whole 1st semester of year 5 in another European School or an accredited European School, and vice versa.

Students are going on exchange from September until Christmas break, including exams in the host school. They are hosted by local families speaking the country’s language. Usually, in return, their families host a student from another European School.

Find more information here:

Guidelines can be found here in either EnglishGerman, or French.

The mobility programme with France – Académie de Lyon

Since last year, we have had a partnership with Académie de Lyon to organise exchanges between French students and our students. This programme aims to create links between our students and France and to develop the student’s intercultural skills.

Our S5 students can host a French student for a month in October. They host them in their homes and attend classes together. In return, our students spend March in France with their pen pal’s family. They attend classes at a French high school with an international section.

Due to organisational reasons, the number of students who can be admitted to this program is limited, and not all requests can be accepted.

Student experiences

I recently came back from a four-month exchange program in Lille, France. This was made possible through the European School’s Student Mobility Program. It was a fantastic experience! I got to experience a different European school than the one I’ve been used to here in Copenhagen, which was a really interesting experience. It was especially fun to see how different the education system was there. The primary difference between the two schools was probably found in the usage of technology. Computers seem like a necessity in our average school day here in Denmark. This is why it was so interesting to experience a different school system since it became evident that computers don’t necessarily have to play such a prominent role in modern-day teaching. I can’t tell you which one I prefer since they both have their pros and cons. But one thing is for certain. It was an eye-opening experience. Moreover, all academic aspects aside, I made a lot of new friends, had a great time with my host family, and enjoyed the independence that came with not seeing my parents for four months.”

Max, S5 student

Do you have any questions?

Please direct questions and applications towards our mobility coordinator Julie Lesbre at

Last updated September 11, 2023