Criteria and Process

Criteria and Process

Optagelse i den danske sprogsektion

For at blive optaget på Europaskolen skal du have aflagt Folkeskolens Afgangsprøve eller lignende fra en dansk eller udenlandsk uddannelsesinstitution.

Optagelse af elever, der har aflagt Folkeskolens Afgangsprøve: Du skal opfylde de samme kriterier som ved optagelse til danske gymnasier. Adgangskriterierne kan findes på Uddannelsesguiden.

Du skal ansøge gennem, og vedhæfte en kort motiveret ansøgning (hvorfor du søger Europaskolen) – max. 300 ord. Deadline 1. marts.

Optagelse af elever, som ikke har aflagt Folkeskolen Afgangsprøve: Hvis du har gået på en international skole eller har en anden eksamen, så vil vi vurdere, om din eksamen opfylder de faglige krav til at blive optaget på Europaskolen. Elever fra andre Europaskoler vil være kvalificeret til at blive optaget, hvis de er blevet oprykket til 5. sekundær i den danske afdeling, men de skal stadig gennemgå en screening på samme vilkår som andre ansøgere (se nedenstående).

Elever, som går i Lower secondary på Europaskolen København, er garanteret en plads i gymnasiet, og det samme gælder for ansøgere, hvis forældre er ansat i European Environment Agency (EEA) eller Kommissionen i Bruxelles.

Ud over at opfylde ovenstående kriterier, så er optagelsen på Europaskolen også betinget af en skriftlig screening i dansk, engelsk (eller det sprog, som du har valgt som dit første fremmedsprog) og matematik. Ansøgere fra EEA og Kommissionen i Bruxelles behøver ikke at gennemgå en screening.


Den endelige optagelse vil være baseret på en screening af ansøgers sproglige kompetencer i hovedsproget (dansk/fransk), første fremmedsprog (engelsk/fransk/tysk), samt matematik. Klassesammensætningen kan ligeledes være en del af evalueringen. Evalueringen vil blive foretaget at et uafhængigt optagelsespanel, som består af fagprofessionelle og rektor for Europaskolen København.

Screeningskriterier kan findes her

Admission to the English language section

The Copenhagen City Council has set the following criteria for admission to the English language section:

  • You have passed 9-10 years of schooling starting from nursery class (age 5) and have passed a GCTS exam or equivalent (passed 9th grade). Please note that the secondary levels vary from country to country, but in the European School system you should be at least 15 years old to be qualified for Secondary 5. Applicants from other European Schools are qualified if they have been promoted to Secondary 5 in the English Language Section. They should, though, still take the admission screening as other applicants (see below).
  • You are fluent in English, the languge of the section (min. C2 on the CEFR-scale).
  • You have obtained a B1-B2 level (CEFR-scale) in the language you have chosen as your first foreign language (French/German) with a passing grade.

Students attending Lower Secondary at the European School Copenhagen are guaranteed a spot in the Upper Secondary, and the same applies to applicants whose parents are employed at the European Environment Agency (EEA) or the Commission in Brussels.

The admission is furthermore based on a written admission screening in English, your first foreign language (French/German) and maths. Applicants from The European Environment Agency (EEA) or other EU-institutions are not required to take a screening since they are guaranteed a place at the school.

Please note that if you have a permanent disability, be it long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment that has required special assistance during school or will require reasonable accommodation at the screening, this must be noted in the application.

Students who can document at least two of the following bullet points will be screened first:

  • You have attended a European School or an Accredited European School.
  • You have attended a French or a German school for at least five months within the last five years.
  • You have attended a bilingual school in Denmark where some of your subjects other than language courses have been taught in either French or German.
  • You have lived in a French or a German speaking country.
  • You have attended a school with a European profile or have been enrolled in a summer school program, where you have taken German or French and/or have participated in sports or leisure activities in German or French.
  • You have obtained the grade C (or more) in French or German (B1B2-level).
  • You have a French or German speaking parent and the language has been anchored in your everyday life.

Please note, that there is a limited number of places and you are not guaranteed a space in the school.

Evaluation of the application:

Admission will be based on an overall evaluation of the applicant’s level of English, the level of the applicant’s first foreign language (French/German), general competences and the written test. The class formation can also be considered. The final decision will be taken by the European School Copenhagen’s admission committee. The admission committee is the Principal of the European School Copenhagen and a representative from the Municipality of Copenhagen. None of the members of the admission committee have been a part of the screening process.

If you have a permanent disability, it will be taken into consideration in the selection process to prevent any distinction, exclusion, or restriction on the basis of the disability.


Please submit the following documentation with your application:

  • Documentation for GCTS exam or similar – an official statement and transcript from your school
  • A short motivation of max. 300 words explaining  why you are applying for the European School Copenhagen

In order to be selected for screening first, please also provide documentation for minimum two out of the six bullet points listed above. See requirements below.

  • Documentation for bullet points 1, 2, 3, 5  and 6: Official documentation from the school
  • Documentation for bullet point 4: E.g. a visa, statement from school, pre-school or other official authority
  • Documentation for bullet point 7: Provide a short explanation of how you use the language in your everyday life.
Last updated November 22, 2022