School Activities

School Activities

In October 2019, we held an assembly for the entire school to kick off our journey to become a UNICEF Rights School (Rettighedsskole). Members of the school community signed an agreement committing the school to take a series of actions to become a Rights School. The assembly was the culmination of a theme week about children’s rights for all the pupils and teachers. Due to COVID, the process to become an official Rights School has slowed, but our commitment is as strong as ever.

In a Rights School, students and staff learn about children’s rights and put them into practice. As a first step on the journey, all the classes have developed Class Charters and we have elected our own Rights Council.

Cultural days

As an international school with children from many different cultural and religious backgrounds, the school celebrates a range of different cultural and religious days, such as Diwali, Christmas, Fastelavn and Halloween.

The celebration of the cultural and religious days is a good oppportunity for the children to share their culture, religion and traditions with the other children and to foster an understanding and inclusive environment for all the children at the school.

Theme weeks

Twice a year the school organises a theme week, where the teachers and pupils have the opportunity to spend a week exploring a common theme. The pupils are mixed across year levels and language sections, which means that they have the opportunity to work with other pupils and teachers.  Cooperation, sharing and learning are key elements to the theme weeks at the European School Copenhagen.

The latest theme week focused on the global Sustainable Development Goals. You can read more about the activities at the school under News.

Last updated October 13, 2022