Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Foreign language learning starts already in Primary 1 and continues all the way up to Secondary 7. The foreign languages are known as L2, L3, L4 and L5.

The language options for L2 to L5 will depend on the number of students choosing the different languages as it takes a minimum of seven students to form a language group. The students follow the same curriculum and have the same number of lessons regardless of the language chosen.

Subjects such as PE, ICT, Religion, Art, and Music may also be taught in either English, German, French or the home country language (Danish). In Primary 3-5, the subject ‘European Hours’ is taught to mixed language groups, generally in the students’ L2 or in the home country language (Danish).

First foreign language – L2

All students choose their first foreign language, also known as language 2 or just L2, in Primary 1 (P1). Learning in L2 continues through to the end of a student’s school career in Secondary 7 (S7).

Here at European School Copenhagen, we offer the three standard L2 languages: English, German, French. In 2022/2023 we started offering L2 Danish in Primary 1 (P1). Therefore, L2 Danish is not yet implemented at all Primary levels and not at all in Lower and Upper Secondary.

The choice of L2 is particularly important as the students will be taught some of their subjects (e.g. Human Science, Economics, Geography and History) in their L2 from Secondary 3 and up.

For more information, please see the L2 parents’ guide.

Second foreign language – L3

All students must choose a second foreign language, also known as language 3 or just L3, in Secondary 1.

Learning in L3 is compulsory from S1 to S5 and optional in S6 and S7.

At the European School Copenhagen, we offer: L3 Danish, L3 English, L3 French and L3 German.

The establishment of L3 English and L3 Danish groups is guaranteed. For the establishment of L3 German and L3 French groups in Secondary 1 (S1), a minimum of 7 students is required.

Third foreign language – L4

Students can choose a third foreign language, also known as language 4 or just L4, in Secondary 4 (S4). L4 is an optional subject.

At the European School Copenhagen, we offer: L4 Italian and L4 Spanish.

Fourth foreign language – L5

Students can choose a fourth foreign language, also known as language 5 or just L5, in Secondary 6 (S6). L5 is offered as a complementary subject in S6 and S7.

Here at European School Copenhagen, we are currently offering Chinese as L5.

Last updated November 22, 2022