Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical education at the European school is much more than being active 90 min a week. Here, you can learn motor skills that even the most prominent fitness freak would envy you!

Physical Education promotes this aim with a wide range of sports activities. It will be achieved through acquiring basic motor skills and health and fitness competencies. Physical Education develops a positive attitude towards sports activities and a personal fitness level.  

You will study PE for 90 minutes weekly for all three years (S5 -S7). In the European School Copenhagen, you also can join our Afterschool PE and different sports tournaments with the school.  

At the beginning of the school year, we have a PE day. You will get to know the other students at the school through fun sports activities.  


According to the European Curriculum, physical education is a purely practical subject. That means there are no theoretically written exams. Each year level is divided into three main teams: 

TEAMS SPORTS – Fx. Basketball, Floorball, Volleyball 

INDIVIDUAL SPORTS – Fx. Athletics, Gymnastics, Dancing 

COMPLEEMTARIES ACTIVITIES – Fx. Ultimate frisbee, Softball, Orienteering, Fitness 


In S5 and S6, there will be two B – tests based on the practical skills learned throughout the unit.  

In S7, there will be an evaluation after each unit, with a practical test based on the skills learned throughout the unit.    

Last updated August 21, 2024