Theme Week about Water

Theme Week about Water

Every year, the European School Copenhagen organises theme weeks to delve deeper into a particular subject or topic and encourage collaboration across the language sections and year levels. During the last week of April, the children explored ‘All aspects of water’ through a variety of science and art projects, dancing and singing, and a visit to the Experimentarium.

The science experiments included dissolving things in water, filtering dirty water into clean water and melting ice with salt or sugar. Many of the students were also able to make paper clips float although it was very hard!

In the dance sessions, the children learned about indigenous peoples and their belief in the power of rain dance. The children learned all the movements and on three out of the four theme week days they actually danced so enthusiastically that it did rain!

The children also sang and danced to ‘Singing in the Rain’, exploring the feeling of being happy and enjoying the rain. The children had to push themselves in many ways, especially when it came to dancing with an umbrella and remembering the choreography at the same time. The result was an effective dance with lovely movements and a lot of fun along the way too.

In ‘art and water’, the children made movies and stop motion movies about water and recorded water sounds. The movie clips and sound recordings were then combined into water soundscapes. The children also made art posters to remind people of the importance of saving water.

All the children visited the new Experimentarium/Science Museum in Hellerup, which has a wide range of activities, experiments and games dealing with the theme of water. The children learned about the importance of water safety and having respect for the world’s oceans. They made and tested different types of bubbles and investigated the properties of water.

The Nursery classes took a day trip to Vandets Kraft in Rødovre, where they took part in pond dipping, handled salamanders, built dams and learned about the amount of water each family uses in a week!

All in all, a very eventful, educational and exciting week!