Groundbreaking ceremony
On the 9th of June 2016 the building of the new European School Copenhagen was commenced with an official groundbreaking ceremony at the construction site in the Carlsberg district. The festive event was attended by teachers, pupils and board members from the European School Copenhagen, as well as the Lord mayor from the City of Copenhagen, the mayor of Children and Youth and the Director of the Carlsberg District.
Four pupils from Primary 2nd at the European School Copenhagen helped break the ground alongside the two mayors and the director from the Carlsberg District. And after the speeches the pupils also also tried the podium, as can be seen from the pictures.
The whole school celebrated the groundbreaking on Friday the 10th of June with a common assembly, where the four pupils who participated in the ceremony told the other pupils about their experiece. The school also watched a video from the ceremony and looked at pictures that the architects have drawn of the new building.
Later there was a happy surprise. The Carlsberg District sent over ice cream for all the pupils at the school. So the day was ended with smiles and ice cream in the sun!
You can read more about the ceremony and the new school in this article from Berlingske Tidende.