European School officially opened in Carlsberg Byen

European School officially opened in Carlsberg Byen

On 29th November, the European School Copenhagen officially opened its new school building in Carlsberg Byen with the participation of Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Denmark and the Lord Mayor for Copenhagen Frank Jensen.

Other distinguished guests included Mayor for Children and Youth Jesper Christensen and Giancarlo Marcheggiano, the Secretary General of the European Schools.

The school building has been funded by the Municipality of Copenhagen and four private foundations – Realdania, Nordea Fonden, Novo Nordisk Fonden and Industriens Fond. All of the foundations were represented on the day, and Chief Executive of Realdania Jesper Nygård and Chief Executive of Industriens Fond Mads Lebech both gave a speech.

There were also representatives from Carlsberg Byen P/S, including Chief Executive Jens Nyhus, BAM Denmark, the architects and other companies involved in the construction of the new school building.

The guests, including the school’s Board members and parents, were welcomed by students with flags. The 2nd graders sang “We are the World” and there was also big applause for the school’s two fifth grade students, Alma and Harry, who spoke to the 500 assembled guests.

The official cutting of the ribbon ceremony was performed by H.R.H. Princess Marie and Lord Mayor of Copenhagen Frank Jensen. Students Varsha and Loic from 4th grade were clearly proud to bring them the golden scissors.

H.R.H. Princes  Marie has followed the school’s development since its very beginning in August 2014 and has seen the school grow from only four classes to 15 classes today. In the next few years, the school will grow to nearly 1,000 students.

Photos: Kristian Brasen