Board of Governors
This year Denmark has the presidency of the European School’s Board of Governors which is the governing body of the European Schools. The mandate of the Board of Governors covers educational, administrative and financial matters. The board is composed of the Ministers of Education of each of the Union countries, normally represented by senior civil servants from the Ministries of Education or Foreign Affairs, together with the representative of the EU Commission and the representative of the European Patent Office. A representative designated by the European School’s Staff Committee (from among the teaching staff ) and a representative of the parents designated by the European School’s Parents’ Associations are also members of the Board of Governors.
From April 12th-14th the Board of Governors held their annual meeting in Copenhagen. The meeting was headed by Lars Damkjær from the Ministry of Children, Education and Equality. The Chamber Choir from SAG performed at the Opening Ceremony.
Several of the directors from other European Schools used the opportunity to visit the European School Copenhagen. At ESCPH we were very happy to welcome all of them and show them our school.